President, Mr. Robert E. Dorries, Jr.
AFT St. Louis, Local 420
Email: bobdorries@gmail.com
First Vice President, Sandra Dayse
Kansas City Federation of Teachers
& SRP, Local 691
Email: sdayse1967@gmail.com
Secretary, Rebecca Klemme Eliceiri
SCCC Staff Union, Local 4899
Email: rebeccaklemme@gmail.com
Treasurer, Kevin D. White
Junior College District Federation of Teachers, Local 3506
Email: kwhite@stlcc.edu
Ray Cummings, President
AFT St. Louis, Local 420
Email: rcummings@stltu.org
Jason Roberts, President
Kansas City Federation of Teachers
& SRP, Local 691
Email: jason@aft691.org
Dr. Virginia Guneyli, Ed.D., MA, President
SCCC Faculty AFT, Local 4803
Email: vbungun.1412@gmail.com
Heather Wagner, President
Wentzville Federation of SRP, Local 4894
Email: 2vicepresident4894@gmail.com
AFT Missouri, AFL-CIO
P.O. Box 104451
Jefferson City, MO 65110
1003 East McCarty Street, Suite B
Jefferson City, MO 65101
573-635-0073 office / 573-634-5059 fax
Email: ksnyder@aftmissouri.org
Web: www.aftmissouri.org