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Member Benefits

Click here to learn more about an exclusive AFT Missouri + member benefit provided by the law offices of Wickham & Wood, legal counsel for AFT Missouri.


AFT + Member Benefits


AFT + is the name of the member benefit programs available to AFT members and their families. Many of the programs are provided through Union Privilege, the benefit arm of the AFL-CIO; others are unique to AFT and are coordinated directly through AFT +. Explore the site and learn more about the savings and services available to you as a union member.  

Go to to learn more about AFT + Member Benefits.  

AFT Missouri Member Benefits

AFT Missouri offers top-of-the-line comprehensive benefits that can help you reach both personal and professional goals. With your full-service union, you will find resources at every level of the organization to meet your needs—both on and off the job. Our union works hard to improve your professional life while serving as a resource, a tough negotiator, and a contract enforcer.

Members of AFT Missouri receive the highest quality representation available from one of Missouri’s strongest unions. AFT Missouri’s commitment to stand by each and every member to provide top quality services makes this union not only trustworthy, but also reliable. You can also go to learn more.

The following is a brief list of the many benefits available to each member:

AFT Missouri recognizes that our members have a personal life. Members will find discounts on products and services that can help their daily lives. From insurance discount programs to car rentals to magazines to free legal advice, AFT Missouri has negotiated the best deals available to help you be a smart shopper and save money.  Most importantly, many of these benefits can be extended to cover a member’s entire family.